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 Entertainment Archive 2018

Stormy Daniels is helping to pay the legal fees
of the two strippers who were arrested along
with her
by Nathan'ette Burdine: July 13, 2018

The one thing I can say about ol’ girl Stormy Daniels there is that she isn’t the type to refuse a helping hand to those in need.

Stormy Daniels went on the Twitter to let folks know that she is going to do right by helping to pay the legal bills of two strippers, Brittany Walters and Miranda Panda, who were arrested along with her on Thursday morning.

Like many hard working folks, Stormy Daniels’ job requires her to work long hours late at night.

During one of her late hour shifts at Sirens strip club in Columbus, Ohio, ol’ Stormy girl was arrested.

The po’ po’ told the media folks that ol’ Stormy girl broke Ohio’s Common Decency Law when she, Walters, and Panda began rubbing their “milky pumps” on some “good” patrons’ faces which belong to Columbus’ “finest.”

Ohio’s Common Decency Law, or what I like to call the Do Not Touch law, doesn’t allow the strippers, dancers, sex workers, or the customers to touch the strippers, dancers, or sex workers if they are not living in the same household as a family.

The law harkens back to the olden days when two unmarried people couldn’t kiss in the public.

Those who violate the modern day Do Not Touch law are charged with a misdemeanor.

After Stormy girl’s lawyer, Michael Avenatti, got wind of the charges, he took to the Twitter to let folks know that this was nothing but a conspiracy coming from those within the state where Donald Trump loyalist and alleged sexual harasser enabler, Rep. Jim Jordan, is representing.

The good folks in Ohio’s capital decided they didn’t want any of that heat.

Columbus City Attorney Zack Klein said his office didn’t know nothing about nothing when it came to that undercover operation: “My office has reviewed the charges filed by the Columbus Division of Police, and I’ve determined that these crimes were not committed, based on the fact that Ms. Clifford has not made regular appearances at this establishment as required under the law…My office was not involved in this sting operation…The charges have been dismissed.”

Walters and Panda, however, are not out of the clear yet because they make “regular appearances” at Sirens’ strip club.

The two work at Sirens strip club. It’s their bread and butter. And it will be a low down dirty shame if the law uses the law to strip these women of their freedom and their livelihood.

Hopefully, Stormy Daniels can drum up enough money to make sure the law doesn’t strip Walters and Panda of their strippers’ paychecks which they need in order to live.

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